Roof Type

Flat roof

Mounting Type

East-west system

Project Type

Company building

Installed kWp


Hatching a plan for lower carbon emissions

Rooftop PV for a Norwegian fish hatchery

Adding solar panels to a working fishery has helped Lerøy Seafood Group drastically cut their carbon footprint. We were there to help them realise one of Norway’s largest solar projects.

Icon/20x20/Arrow-left Created with Sketch. Bergen, Norway

Setting the scene

When the Lerøy Kjærelva fish hatchery was built in 2017, its 14,000 m2 roof was meant to host solar panels. Those plans were delayed until 2022, when novotegra was chosen to help the site meet its planned environmental potential.


Meeting the challenges

Working within the constraints of the existing site, we sat down to optimise the project layout. An east-west facing installation would allow the hatchery to make the best possible use of its huge size.


The result

This is one of the biggest rooftop photovoltaics installations on the Norwegian west coast, perhaps even the biggest. It’s now saving around 1.2 GWh of electricity per year. That’s roughly 75 households worth of consumption. Lerøy are one step closer to meeting their environmental pledges.

"A site this large was always a strong candidate for rooftop PV. The novotegra system helped us efficiently realise that potential.”


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