Contact Options
Are you already a customer of BayWa r.e.?
The nationwide sales offices of BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems in Germany offer personal contact and optimum customer support on site. Please get in touch with your responsible contact person. You can find them in the webshop under "My account" or on one of your order confirmations.
Not yet a BayWa r.e. customer?
Convinced of the advantages of novotegra mounting systems but not yet ordered from BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems? Then you need to register first.
You are a private customer?
We are of course pleased about your interest, but novotegra mounting systems cannot be purchased directly from the manufacturer due to the fact that they are sold via distributors. Please direct your enquiry to a specialist installer in your region.
Ordering options
Simply order all components for your next PV project online - in the BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems webshop. Find out more about novotegra mounting systems on our website, from there you can go directly to the shop.
From Solar-Planit to the webshop
Plan your PV project easily with the Solar-Planit planning tool and the required component lists are then automatically transferred to the BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems webshop.
Would you like personal advice?
The head office of Bay Wa r.e. Solar Energy Systems in Tübingen can be contacted by telephone (+49 7071 98987 0) or by e-mail (info.solarenergysystems(at)baywa-re.com). Monday until Thursday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.