Roof Type

Flat roof

Mounting Type

South system

Project Type

Garden centre

Installed kWp


Green energy on a secure foundation: efficient PV system defies adverse conditions

Stable construction for energy self-sufficiency

novotegra construction for fast and safe installation on a flat roof in a challenging location.

Icon/20x20/Arrow-left Created with Sketch. Horní Suchá, Czech Republic

Setting the scene

This photovoltaic plant with a total output of 100 kW is spread over 1,700m2 on the roof of a production hall in Silesia and took a month to plan.


Meeting the challenges 

The production hall building is located in a site with very challenging weather conditions and several measures had to be taken after the project was drawn up, following the recommendations of the structural engineer.



Despite some challenges, the plant was installed efficiently. The actual installation with the novotegra flat roof construction was very quick. Thanks to this PV plant up to 50 tons of CO2 can be saved annually.



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