Karjäär novotegras

Osalege meie visioonis.

Võimas, energiline, usaldusväärne ja geniaalne – nii kirjeldame mitte ainult meie liikumapanevat jõudu, päikest, vaid ka meie töökohta.

novotegras on meil ühine eesmärk: edendada aktiivselt üleminekut säästvale energiale, suurendades kogu Euroopas katustele paigaldatud päikesepaneelide süsteemide arvu.

Tõhus fotogalvaanika algab turvalisest, paindlikust ja tugevast aluskonstruktsioonist nii paigaldamise kui ka kasutamise ajal. Me töötame selle nimel päevast päeva – teadliku vaatluse, analüüsi ja uurimise kaudu. Päikesepaneelide paigaldussüsteemide valdkonnas kiiresti kasvava tegijana pakume laia valikut rahvusvahelisi projekte ja põnevaid arenguvõimalusi.

Kas soovite ühineda meie visiooniga ja midagi muuta?

Me otsime teid

Kõik avatud ametikohad aadressil novotegra

Technically skilled communication talent wanted!

As Product Owner:in you will bring our planning software Solar Planit to the next level!

Your tasks

  • You act as a contact person:in our European sister companies for technical questions regarding our in-house assembly system
  • You support customers and colleagues in the design and configuration of our systems
  • You accompany the product development from the beginning and evaluate product ideas from an application point of view
  • The implementation of training courses, webinars, initial assembly support and technical support at trade fairs are also part of your area of responsibility.

Your profile 

  • You have a degree in business informatics or industrial engineering or comparable studies
  • You have a very high technical affinity and experience in the interface to software development
  • An independent, structured and service-oriented way of working is a matter of course for you
  • As a strong communicator, organised and flexible team player, you are the interface to our development department and the Solar-Planit programming team.
  • Ideally, you have industry knowledge in the field of PV mounting systems and/or experience in product management.
  • You are familiar with the English language, both written and spoken
  • You are interested in occasional short stays abroad
  • The ability to work in a team, flexibility and a sense of humour round off your profile.

Sounds good? You can find more information on the job advertisements on the BayWa r.e. job portal.

To the job description

Our sales department is looking for energetic support!

Your profile 

  • You are an enrolled student in a Bachelor's degree programme and are interested in the field of sales/distribution.
  • You enjoy looking into complex topics
  • You are characterised by an independent and careful way of working
  • A basic understanding of technology is advantageous, but not a must
  • You have at least 8 hours/week to support us
  • A high level of team spirit, flexibility and a sense of humour round off your profile.

Your tasks 

  • You will be in charge of your own project to create a calculation tool. The tool should give a good view of the number of solar modules that can be installed with the stock.
  • You help the team with sales controlling
  • You actively support plausibility checks
  • You support our sales staff with special tasks such as event preparations.

Sounds good? You can find more information on the job advertisements on the BayWa r.e. job portal.

To the job description

Your tasks

  • You support our national and international sister companies in Europe
  • You are responsible for order processing, monitoring delivery dates, goods flow management as well as advising our customers by telephone
  • In close cooperation with our key account managers and the purchasing department, you will ensure that major projects are delivered on time.

Your profile

  • You are experienced in a sales-related environment or are looking for an exciting start to your career after your training or studies
  • You have a strong customer orientation and good communication skills
  • A good command of written and spoken English is required for communication with our international sister companies. 
  • You enjoy working independently and on your own responsibility
  • You have a technical and digital affinity and have already gained experience in working with ERP systems.
  • High team spirit, sense of humour and flexibility round off your profile

Sounds good? You can find more information on the job advertisements on the BayWa r.e. job portal.

To the job description

Your tasks

  • You will act as a technical contact our European sister companies for the design and configuration of the in-house mounting system.
  • You will support the product launch on international markets and provide technical support at seminars, webinars, trade fairs and construction sites.
  • The regular updating and creation of mounting instructions is also part of your responsibilities.
  • You will create documents, videos and images and manage our media pool together with our marketing department.

Your profile

  • Experience as a solar mounting consultant, roofer or fitter in the solar panel market,  a construction technician / civil engineer in the field of civil engineering or a similar position for mounting system manufacturer
  • You are characterized by a very good technical understanding and you have a tendency towards technical sales
  • An independent, structured and service-oriented way of working is a matter of course for you
  • Ideally, you have industry knowledge in the field of PV mounting systems
  • Good command of the English language in word and writing
  • You are interested in occasional short stays abroad
  • The ability to work in a team, flexibility and a sense of humor 

Sounds good? You can find more information on the job advertisements on the BayWa r.e. job portal.

To the job description

Your taks 

  • Acquiring new customers and building a sales network for the novotegra mounting structure through its presentation and relevant training courses
  • conducting customer training sessions to familiarize customers with the Solar-Planit tool to facilitate the installation of novotegra structures
  • working in the field, in the region of southern Poland for four days a week (days to be determined)
  • weekly reporting of tasks performed
  • maintaining contact and working closely with the local team responsible for the novotegra system
  • creating a positive image of the company and ensuring high standards of customer service

Your profile

  • experience in sales and field work min. 2 years
  • Readiness to work in the field (driving license category B required).
  • very good knowledge of Office
  • Knowledge of English (min. B2).
  • openness to work with clients
  • ability to independently organize their own work and time
  • commitment and self-discipline in pursuit of set goals
  • communicativeness and openness to renewable energy technologies
  • willingness to learn and develop their competence

Sounds good? You can find more information on the job advertisements on the BayWa r.e. job portal.

To the job description

Meie filosoofia

Töötamine novotegras tähendab energiate ühendamist ja väljakutsetele vastamist meeskonnana! Üheskoos püüdleme päevast päeva selle poole, et minna sammu võrra edasi ja arendada usaldusväärseid tooteid. Meie filosoofia põhineb kolmel aluspõhimõttel.


Ole lihtsalt sina ise!

Teid võetakse meie meeskonnas soojalt vastu ja integreeritakse täielikult esimesest päevast alates – meeskonnana oleme edukad!

Meie ühine missioon.

Võimestamine ja isiklik areng on olulised põhimõtted, mille järgi me iga päev elame rohelise tuleviku nimel.

Me teeme muutusi!

Kas soovite anda oma panuse säästva energia üleminekusse? Tule ja liitu meiega – sest me oleme rohelised teerajajad!

Sinu eelised

Pakume mitmesuguseid soodustusi, olgu need siis äri- või erasektoris. Ja see peegeldab ka meie jätkusuutlikku mõtlemist – sa ei vaja autot, et tööle jõuda? Töörattaga jõuad sinna jätkusuutlikult!


Mida me pakume:

  • Ettevõtte pensioniplaani toetus
  • Töötajate aktsiaprogramm
  • Õnnetusjuhtumikindlustus
  • Virtuaalne lastehoid (voiio)
  • Paindlik tööaeg
  • Kaasaegsed töövahendid
  • Töökeskkond, kus tunned end hästi, ja põnevad ülesanded
  • Võimalus edendada koos meiega energia üleminekut
  • Isiklik areng: Täiendkoolitus sise- ja väliskoolituste kaudu
  • Regulaarsed meeskonnaüritused
  • Digitaalsed toidutalongid
  • Soodsad treeningtingimused (GymPass, McFit)
  • Soodushinnaga veebiostud

Sinu tulevased kolleegid

Meeskond on novotegra jaoks esmatähtis. Isiksuste ja kultuuride mitmekesisus viib meid koos edule.


Mida meie kolleegid ütlevad

„Eriti hindan lugupidavat, sõbralikku ja humoorikat suhtlemist inimestega.“

Murat Bakir, disainilooja

„novotegra on suurepärane koht, kus saab proovida uusi asju, areneda isiklikult ja erialaselt ning olla osa suurepärasest kogukonnast.“

Luisa Riedlinger, veebiturunduse juht

„Stabiilne töökoht pidevalt arenevas ettevõttes oli minu jaoks oluline – tänu taastuvenergia sektori tugevale arengule ületati minu ootuseid.“

Dominik Schweizer, ostuagent

„Paindlikkus oma töö kujundamisel ja võimalus anda aktiivne panus kliimamuutuste mõju vähendamisse on tõesti võimendav.“

Sarah Serin, turundusjuht

„novotegra pakub vajalikku ruumi uute protsesside loomiseks – siin saan anda oma panuse ja mind võetakse kuulda.“

Streffen Renz, suurklientide haldur

„Energiat ja rõõmu täis ettevõte, kus on iga päev lõbus tööle minna.“

Serena Rodrigues, turunduspraktikant

„novotegras meeldib mulle, et suur rõhk on pandud teenuse osutamisele, vaadates seejuures tavapärasest kaugemale.“

Alexander Kitzia, ostujuht

„Kui soovid mõtestatud tööd noores meeskonnas, millel on väga head tulevikuväljavaated, siis novotegra on sinu jaoks õige koht!“

Sebastian Ohlert, müügijuht

novotegra arvudes

Riigid, kus meie süsteeme on seni müüdud


Installeeritud MW (2023)


Müüdud rööpaid km (2023)
